Category: music

  • she

    The Internets strikes again! Cashback came out a few years ago, and besides the slight creepiness of some of the nudity, I really enjoyed it. I think critically it wasn’t very well received, but among the folks that I know who have seen it, reviews are positive and I would recommend it to anyone. The […]

  • paul desmond

    I started hearing this song on one of my Pandora channels from time to time and decided I wanted to be able to listen to it, and more of Paul Desmond’s music, whenever I wanted. For some reason I could only find the track on a super expensive discontinued record of his, and then suddenly […]

  • zoe keating

    Our friends took us up to Burlington last night to see Zoe Keating at Higher Ground. They had introduced us to her at the beginning of the year so when they asked if we’d like to join them to see her live, we jumped. Yeah, so Zoe is a classically trained cellist who suffered from […]

  • weightless

    I saw this video over on Gizmodo last night. They have apparently created the most relaxing song in the world, more capable even than massage therapy at reducing stress. I put on the headphones last night and got in to bed to listen to the entire piece and I’m not entirely convinced. It was nice, […]

  • kito

    It’s been a while since I did a music post. I was all – “woah, gotta pace myself… can’t post too much music stuff”. Then I went over a year without really posting anything. This is one of those instances where the hive nature of the Internet paved the road to victory. I was reading […]

  • plan of the city

  • hold it down 😉

    I went to pray for the ATL over the weekend. It had been going on five years since my last visit, when I got deliriously sick on the second day and spent the rest of the week focusing on getting well enough to board a plane for home. Needless to say I had a lot […]

  • kraak & smaak

    The video is clever but I really dig the jams most.

  • amy XXXIV

    We celebrated Amy’s 34th last night with an incredibly dense flour-less chocolate cake and roman candles. Sickeningly Delicious. We’re headed to Rabbit Hill next weekend to make everything official. Sufjan Stevens – The Dress Looks Nice on You

  • an bhuatais

    Amy bought this Celtic Sojourn Christmas album the other day. We were pumping the jams as we prepared the house for Thanksgiving and although I dig the radio program and I’d very much like to see the Christmas show live, I didn’t really get into the disc too much until this; The track is called […]