End Week Six

Sunny day, hot but less humid. Ended week with a 10 miler on the CHaD course this morning. Thank goodness for fuel belts! Sipped when I was thirsty, had plenty of water and a bag of sport jelly beans post run. Felt good afterwards. Had thought I was only doing 9, but again, I over shot things. No worries, as we are on vacation next week and may not get out as much.
Wanted to do a short piece on chafing. I know, you’ve been dying to talk about this. If you carry some extra weight, as I do, you are bound to have skin rubbing together when you walk or run. I keep forgetting to lube up with Body Glide or just plain old petroleum jelly on the spots that consistently chafe. Believe me, the prep you take will spare you pain in the shower later. The pain of water hitting chafing is awful. I think my brother mentioned that after his first (and only) marathon his nipples were chafed and killed in the shower afterwards. I’ve seen men with blood on their shirts after longer races, especially if rainy or really hot weather that keeps the shirts close to the skin. I’ve seen men wearing band-aids over their nipples in longer races.
Ok, enough gory details. Although when you run, you become intimate with body functions, like farting, burping, peeing and pooping in the woods (haven’t had to do that yet), barfing, and chafing…your own body functions and other fellow runners.

Keep lubed,

One response to “End Week Six”

  1. Yeah, at your last race I saw a dude running by with two thin red stripes running from the bottom of his shirt up to spots I assume marked the nips. His racing stripes. No good. Stay lubed, indeed.

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