the very first time

The snow flew yesterday morning and started accumulating after dark.

In related news, I bought a car cover a month or two ago. So traumatized was I by the amount of pine sap and needles that were accumulating daily that I was on the verge of having the trees cut down. Seriously, I made calls. Cooler heads prevailed though and the daily hassle I envisioned regarding applying and removing the cover hasn’t been bad at all. There’s a system, I’ve learned it. My only complaint is perhaps about moisture. It seems to do a fairly good job of keeping droplets from passing through, but I’m hoping it’s letting vapor from underneath out. It’s supposed to, but I put the cover on wet one evening and the next day there was moisture inside one of the headlight housings. I don’t really have anywhere to lay the cover out to dry either. So it gets rolled up wet and put on wet. It’s less than ideal, but I guess better than pine sap eating away paint and needles clogging drains and fostering rust. Just… hopefully I’m not creating more of a rust problem with the cover.

Either way, I’ve learned that cover season is apparently over. It was warm enough that at times it wasn’t really fully snowing and there were a few places yesterday where water pooled on the cover and seeped through, which then froze. The care instructions for the cover suggested this might happen so I was ready for the idea, but it didn’t click in my head while I was watching this unfold yesterday. This morning I found the cover fused to the car in those few places and I spent 15 minutes heating water and delicately trying to pry them apart. Bad times.

So… I guess I’ll have to watch the weather more carefully during the winter. Any time when it might precipitate, I just can’t use the cover. Because the warm car will melt any snow that falls on it, even if it’s well below freezing outside. Then it will potentially seep through and refreeze. Fortunately the trees are mostly in retreat, so the sap tap has been turned off and the needles are clinging on for dear life. Maybe I’ll forgo the cover altogether.

And while we’re on the subject of cars, I backed into a tree a few weeks ago. Awesome.

The cost for repair is way too high to bother with, unless money starts falling from the sky. It could be worse, I could have damaged metal instead of plastic. I just wish I didn’t care so much. This whole post is all about caring too much about a thing. I just shouldn’t have nice things, because I can’t take care of them properly. Basically, money. Money could buy me a garage and fix the bumper. But I don’t have it, so I should probably be driving a ’90 Accord.

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